Thu, Apr 30
A Fresh Look at Dreams
In scripture and in our lives. A 7 hour LIVE webinar with Dr. Mark Chironna and Robert Henderson
Time & Location
Apr 30, 2020, 7:00 PM EDT – May 01, 2020, 10:30 PM EDT
About the event
Some of our dreams seem to have more significance than others. They stick with us. Their story line , like the pecking of a woodpecker on a tree, pecks away at us until we pay attention. We might call those dreams “significant”. Yet even in calling them “significant”, we can’t just automatically say, “this means that”. We have to observe the careful process of discernmentand the clear guidelines that are known about how to interpret dreams. If we actually slow downto the speed of taking the time to look at various texts in Scripture, and compare notes with discoveries in medicine and psychology, we just might discover some things that ancient societyknew far better than we seem to know.
Robert Henderson and I have been dear friends for a long time. We have had our share of dreams in our journey. We have also trekked a long way in our journey in Christ. We have had to walk through a few fires, a few storms, and few deserts, and other places, and have had to learn the hard way the process of discernment. We feel like we have something to add to the conversation about dreams and dreaming, both from Scripture and our personal life experience.
We invite you to join us on a journey for a two-day webinar on Thursday Evening April 30th, and Friday Evening May 1st, starting at 7:00PM EST